Ways to use rose water for the skin
Dip a clean cotton in rose water and wipe the skin to deeply cleanse it of microbes and germs. We spray it on the face immediately after waking up with a water spray to give it freshness, vitality and radiance. We mix it with olive oil or glycerin to reduce dryness, moisturize it, and fight signs of premature aging such as wrinkles and white lines. Mix it with yogurt, cucumber juice, and a small amount of water to remove dark circles around the eye area, and remove pigmentation and dark spots from it. We mix rose water with lemon juice to treat oily skin problems and eliminate pimples and pimples.
Rub the sunburned area slowly with rose water, or add a little of it to the bath water. For food, it is used in preparing many dishes, including: Indian food dishes, such as: biryani, curry, and rice in Persian cuisine. Sweets such as basbousa, baklava, qatayef, cake, ice cream, biscuits, and cakes. For religious rituals, it is used in the Islamic religion to clean the Kaaba, and it is used in burial ceremonies for the dead in India. They sprinkle it in the grave before burial. It is used in the Hindu religion and the Christian religion in marriage ceremonies, religious ceremonies and rituals.
General uses: It improves and adjusts mood, calms the nerves, reduces stress and anxiety, and combats depression.
Treats skin infections such as eczema and insect bites. It promotes intense hair growth, strengthens its follicles from the roots, protects it from breakage, and also nourishes and revitalizes the scalp. It treats the problem of eye fatigue by placing a clean piece of cotton soaked in rose water on the eyelids.
It gives the body a beautiful scent throughout the day. We put three tablespoons of rose water in half a cup of water, put it in a spray bottle and spray the body with it daily before bed.
To enlarge the breasts, we put a small amount of rose water in a bowl, dissolve two tablespoons of ground fenugreek in it, then add two tablespoons of ground chickpeas, two tablespoons of lemon peel and orange peel, and mix the ingredients well, then put the mixture on the fire and stir until the ingredients are combined, then Apply the mixture to the chest and massage slowly and in a circular motion for about ten minutes. After two weeks, the results will appear.