Harmful effects of the phone on children
Long-term damage
Harm to the eyes: Light from electronic devices exposes the eyes to premature aging and fatigue. It can also lead to age-related macular degeneration, which can cause vision loss, greatly affects the retina, and causes sleep problems such as insomnia if children play with devices. smart devices a short period before sleep, and to protect children’s eyes while playing with these devices, it is preferable to follow the twenty-three rule; That is, the child should rest his eyes by looking away from the device for twenty seconds every twenty minutes. The eyes of children between the ages of five and thirteen years must be examined.
Bone problems Bone problems have been limited to adults over the past decades, but in our current era, children are suffering from the same problems due to the use of mobile devices, tablets, and computers for long periods of time. These devices increase pressure on the nerves, ligaments, muscles and discs of the spine, which increases the feeling of pain in the back and neck and headaches, and may expose the child to tendonitis or carpal tunnel syndrome. Therefore, it is recommended to place pillows under the forearms to raise the child’s hands to reduce the incidence of these conditions.
Problems with independence: Children and adolescents suffer from a state of instability and confidence due to their constant and continuous connection to smart phones. It has become almost the only type of interaction they practice with the outside world, which causes many psychological problems. A study conducted in the year 2017 showed that the rate of depression and other Thoughts of suicide increased among teens from eighth to twelfth grade