Biscuit Supangle Ingredients
1 liter of milk
1 cup of granulated sugar
½ cup of wheat starch
2 heaping tablespoons of cocoa
½ cup of bitter chocolate chips
Ingredients for the Base
Cocoa or plain biscuits
Put the biscuits in a crusher and crush them until they are lightly powdered.
Distribute the prepared biscuits on the bottom of the bowls you will serve and press them lightly with a glass or spoon.
Add the milk, granulated sugar, wheat starch and cocoa into your pot and mix well with a stirring rod.
Then put it on the stove and stir until it reaches a slightly fluid pudding consistency.
When your pudding reaches a consistency, remove it from the stove.
Add the chocolate and stir until it melts.
Distribute the pudding you have prepared on the biscuits.
Decorate as you wish and serve cold