Detox soup ingredients
2 zucchini cut into cubes
2 carrots cut into slices
A medium potato cut into cubes
One medium onion, chopped
2 cloves of crushed garlic
A cup of chopped broccoli
A cup of chopped spinach
A teaspoon of grated ginger
A teaspoon of turmeric
A teaspoon of cumin
Salt and black pepper to taste
8 cups of water
How to prepare detox soup
In a large pot, heat a tablespoon of olive oil over medium heat.
Add onions and garlic and stir until translucent.
Add zucchini, carrots, potatoes, broccoli, and spinach, and stir for 5 minutes.
Add ginger, turmeric, and cumin, and stir well.
Pour the water into the pot and let the mixture boil.
After boiling, lower the heat and leave the soup to boil for 20 to 25 minutes.
Add salt and black pepper, stir, then serve the detox soup hot.